Fundraising Options are as follows:
- Subway – Jay VanAlstine
- Partylite – Deb Lowrie
- Red Robin & Dairy Queen – Nicki Bennet
- Raffle – Lisa Huffman & Todd Plumhoff
- Uncle Joe’s Pizzeria – Tiffany Byars
- kaladi Coffee – Faith Hewlett
- Safety Keychain – Ryan Gilbert
Raffle Ticket Update:
The raffle tickets are here and available for check out. Zan will be handling this in Room 210. Raffle tickets may be picked up between 3:35 and 4:00 on Mondays and Fridays.
In order to check out more tickets, money for the first batch must be turned in.
Teachers will be able to buy their tickets directly from Mrs. Huffman. Please remind your children to not solicit from teachers at Sand Lake.