ALASKA NIHONGO CONTEST: This Saturday, March 25th
Tentative Contest Schedule:
Registration/Check-In: 8:30am-9:15am (must register in person)
Group Skit: 10:00-11:15
Poetry: 10:00-10:15
Original Poetry: 10:15-10:40
Haiku: 10:40-11:05
Speech: 10:00-11:25
Song: 11:20-12:15
*There will be Cultural Demonstrations throughout the day (more TBA).
PLACE: UAA [Edward & Cathryn Rasmuson Hall (RH)] 3416 Seawolf Dr, Anchorage, AK 99508
AWARDS: TBA (I’ll be in touch soon—in the past awards were @ 4:00pm)